Professional head and shoulder image of lady with auburn hair, smiling, wearing a turquoise top

Dr Christina Theodoridou

Counselling Psychologist

Pronouns: She/Her

Dr. Christina is a dedicated and compassionate Counselling Psychologist with a wealth of experience and a special interest in addressing various mental health concerns. Her expertise spans anxiety (including health anxiety, social anxiety, panic, and OCD), depression, low self-esteem, grief, chronic health conditions like cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome/ME, interpersonal difficulties, stress, traumatic experiences, and sleep difficulties. Christina works with adults across all age ranges, starting from 18 years and older.

Christina holds a Doctorate in Counselling Psychology from Glasgow Caledonian University, a Master’s Degree in Health Psychology from Coventry University, and an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology from the University of Lincoln. She is accredited by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and is a chartered member of the British Psychological Society.

A Holistic Approach to Therapy

Christina is trained in multiple therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT), Mindfulness-Based Therapy, Person-Centred Therapy, Emotion-Focused Therapy, and Psychodynamic Therapy. This diverse toolkit allows her to tailor her approach to meet the unique needs and goals of each client, providing both short-term and long-term support.

Christina has a special interest and experience working with a number of concerns including:

  • Anxiety (including Health Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Panic, OCD)

  • Depression and low mood

  • Low self-esteem and assertiveness

  • Grief and loss

  • Chronic health conditions including cancer, Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME

  • Interpersonal difficulties

  • Stress (including Work stress)

  • Traumatic experiences

  • Sleep difficulties

Understanding the Role of a Counselling Psychologist on Your Mental Health Journey

A Counselling Psychologist plays a pivotal role in the landscape of mental health support. These professionals, armed with extensive training in psychological theory and therapeutic practice, specialise in fostering personal development and well-being. They are adept at helping individuals navigate a wide range of emotional and psychological challenges.

At the core of their practice, Counselling Psychologists offer a safe, empathetic space where clients can explore their feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. They employ a variety of therapeutic techniques, tailored to the individual's unique needs and goals. This may include addressing issues such as anxiety, depression, relationship problems, life transitions, stress management, and self-esteem concerns.

Moreover, Counselling Psychologists are skilled in using psychological assessment tools to understand each client's specific situation better. They work collaboratively with clients to identify patterns, set realistic goals, and develop effective coping strategies. Their approach is holistic, considering the emotional, social, and biological factors impacting a person's mental health.

Choosing to work with Christina at My Therapist Online means partnering with a compassionate expert dedicated to your mental and emotional growth. With their guidance, you can embark on a transformative journey towards healing, self-discovery, and improved quality of life.

Models of practice Christina is trained in:

  • Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

  • Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

  • Mindfulness-Based Therapy

  • Person-Centred Therapy

  • Emotion-Focused Therapy

  • Psychodynamic Therapy

    Christina is able to work with individuals on a short-term or long-term basis.

    Christina is also fluent in Greek and is happy to work with people who would feel more comfortable working in this language.

Christina's background & training

HCPC registered professional
  • Christina is accredited by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and is a chartered member of the British Psychological Society.

  • Christina has completed a Doctorate in Counselling Psychology from Glasgow Caledonian University;

  • Masters Degree in Health Psychology from Coventry University;

  • Undergraduate Degree in Psychology from the University of Lincoln.

Christina works with:

All adults, across the whole age range from 18 years + 

Feedback about therapy with Christina.

Empathetic, Insightful, and Constructive Therapy Sessions

“I found Christina very empathetic and reassuring in her manner and her approach and also ver clear in the ways in which she responded to and reflected back my exchanges with her. She remembered the narrative of what we were discussing from week to week, and built on it constructively in each additional session. I certainly gained one or two new insights into my behaviours from her comments.” A.M.Drummond

Guiding Through Challenge to Hope and Self-Discovery - Alexa's Transformative Journey

“Where to start? I have been through a very challenging period in my life and started therapy feeling a lot of fear, anxiety and grief as well as confusion and a strong sense of having lost myself.

Christina was wonderful - she immediately saw what I needed help with and was always compassionate and kind. However, even more importantly than this, she really got me to reflect and recognise that I needed to identify and change the unhealthy patterns of thought and behaviours I had slipped into.

She has helped me immeasurably with working on identifying my needs, creating healthier patterns of behaviour, setting healthy boundaries and creating a toolkit for my future. Often our sessions were revelatory on a personal level. I have made some big decisions and changes in my life following my sessions with Christina and I feel reconnected to myself and trust myself again.

I feel hope for the future which I didn't think possible a few months ago. It was hard work and very intense but it has been a truly life-changing experience and I could not recommend Christina more highly. Thank you.” Alexa

Transforming Lives from Negativity to Emotional Mastery - Max's Story

“Therapy has changed my life considerably. I have a totally different outlook on life now. I was totally stuck in a rut of negativity and ignoring my feelings. I can now manage my reactions and emotions almost without thinking and that is a testament to Christina.”

“Before I started therapy the thought of talking to anyone, let alone a random person, about my feelings was the last thing I ever wanted to do. I had my initial consultation with Christina and instantly was put at ease by her calm, warm and caring manner. Therapy wasn't easy and I had to go through some pain but just 6 months later and my mental health is a millions times better. I cannot thank Christina enough.” Max

Fostering Trust, Conquering Anxiety, and Embracing the Future - Harriet's Empowering Experience

“Although I knew therapy was a step in the right direction, I was apprehensive in finding the right therapist for me. Within minutes of meeting Christina, I knew I was safe and could trust her to help me. Anxiety had taken over my life in more ways than I realised, for so much of my adult life, but working with Christina has enabled me to feel that, although I will experience anxiety in the future, I will be able to work with it and overcome challenges and confront fears head on.

I no longer feel scared about my future; in fact, for the first time in years, I look forward to it. The thought of social events no longer cripple me with fear. Christina's patience, but use of encouragement when required, has enabled me to push myself out of my comfort zone and gain confidence from 'small wins'. My mindset has improved greatly under Christina's guidance, and I cannot thank her enough for everything she has supported me with during our sessions.” Harriet