Collette Sharbel-Merven, CBT Therapist

Collette Sharbel-Merven

Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

MSc in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy (Adults)
PGDip in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Adults)
BA (Hons) Clinical Psychology
BSocSC (Hons) Clinical Social Work

Full accreditation - BABCP / Full accreditation - HCPC

Making the decision to attend therapy can often feel overwhelming. However, for most people, this can be an extremely positive and empowering experience that engenders greater self-awareness and understanding.

I am a fully accredited and qualified Cognitive (CBT) Psychotherapist with over 8 years of experience and specialise in working with adults. Being fully accredited implies that I have achieved the highest standard in the practice of CBT and thus adhere to stringent codes of professional practice and ethical standards. CBT is an evidenced-based therapy, recommended by NICE, that has proven to be extremely effective in the treatment of most problems we encounter. This means that I am able to incorporate a wide range and variety of established, researched and evidence-based psychological techniques in my practise and therapy with you. Not only has its effectiveness been evidenced by extensive research but also by my own clinical experience of seeing what really helps people.

I place a great emphasis on the quality of the therapeutic relationship with clients and firmly believe this to be a key contributor to the overall success of therapy and to the development of a positive therapeutic experience. This open, collaborative and honest alliance based on good rapport and trust is an approach that has contributed to my clients' on going motivation to attend their therapy sessions and to improve the overall quality of their lives.

You, as the client, are considered the expert who knows your own problems better than anyone. Only you can give me insight to help me to understand the painful issues and difficulties you are experiencing. In your therapy and through increased self-awareness, you will learn to take responsibility for improving the quality of your life: by changing unhelpful patterns of behaviours and negative thoughts. My role is to guide, assist and support you through this challenging process. I am committed to working with you to find realistic and long-term solutions and to develop and apply new skills and techniques to change unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour.

My approach is collaborative, empathic, warm, informal and relaxed, which allows for a safe and comfortable space to allow you to explore your thoughts, feelings and unhelpful behaviours without judgement.

Through the use of numerous specialist and transferable skills and knowledge, I am committed to providing an individualised, high quality therapeutic experience based on best practice and prioritisation of you and your needs.

My aim is to provide a quality of therapy that I would be comfortable for my loved ones to attend. I value having open, informal, relaxed, empathic, warm, collaborative and honest relationships with my clients whilst always maintaining good rapport and trust, respect, integrity, and dignity.

If you have private Medical Insurance please contact me to discuss fees, as the rate paid for therapy differs. I am currently registered with the following major Medical Insurance providers: AXA PPP, AVIVA, CIGNA, HEALIX, WPA, ALLIANZ, VITALITY HEALTH, VALIDIUM

The number of therapy sessions required will be determined by the multitude and severity of your problems and will be reviewed collaboratively every few sessions. 

If you would like an appointment with me you can register your interest by clicking on the button below.

Therapeutic Skills Collette is experienced in using within her practice.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Compassion-Focussed Therapy (CFT)

  • Couples Behavioural Therapy

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

  • Schema Focused Therapy

  • Mindfulness-based CBT

Collette specialises in the treatment of the following problems;

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Hoarding

  • Low Self-Esteem

  • Health Anxiety

  • Generalised Anxiety (GAD)

  • Phobias

  • Sleep problems

  • Insomnia

Collette is very experienced at the treatment of the following problems;

  • Depression

  • Perfectionism

  • Panic

  • Social Anxiety

  • Emetophobia

  • Anger

  • Work related stress

  • Relationship problems

  • Infidelity, affairs & betrayals

  • Body Image Problems

  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

  • Skin/Hair picking (tricotillomania / dermatillomania)

  • Eating Disorders

Qualifications & Training

  • BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT)

  • MSc in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy (Adults)

  • PGDip in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Adults) Post

  • Qualifying Award in Social Work BA (Hons) Clinical

  • Psychology BSocSC (Hons) Clinical Social Work