Sarah Kenny - CBT - Expert Online Therapist

Sarah Kenny

Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT)

MSc and PG dip in CBT, Registered Mental Health Nurse, BSc Nursing Studies

Sarah is a highly experienced Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT) and Mental Health Nurse, boasting a robust 21-year career across various NHS settings. Sarah's profound journey in mental health began with an MSc in CBT, propelling her into roles as a Therapist and Senior Therapist in London, NewZealand and the West Midlands.

As a dedicated professional, Sarah excels in delivering comprehensive assessments and personalised therapy sessions. She is adept at addressing a spectrum of mental health challenges with a special focus on developing tailored treatment plans that facilitate meaningful progress and empowerment. Her expertise encompasses a vast range of difficulties, ensuring that every client receives the highest standard of care.

Connect with Sarah and take a positive step towards well-being with a therapist who not only has the experience but also the dedication to guide you through your healing journey.

Sarah is an expert in the treatment of:

  • Anxiety

  • Alcohol & drug use accompanying Mental Health issues /addictions. 

  • Depression

  • Experienced in working with members of the LGBTQI+ community and issues that may relate to this.

  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder - persistent, repetitive worry.

  • Health anxiety- frequent worries about illness 

  • Low Self-Esteem

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Panic

  • Perinatal (pre and post birth) depression, anxiety and OCD in women and men

  • Perfectionism 

  • Relationship issues 

  • Self criticism, high levels of shame  

  • Sleep Problems and Insomnia

  • Social Anxiety Disorder- feeling fearful and anxious in social settings  

  • Specific phobias e.g. spiders, heights, flying etc.

  • Stress

  • Workplace stress and/or bullying 

As a Mental Health Nurse Sarah has worked on acute inpatient wards in both the UK and overseas, as a Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN) and as a Substance Misuse Field Worker (Drug and Alcohol).

Sarah is also highly trained and experienced in providing Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). CFT can be particularly helpful for people with long-term low self-esteem, recurrent depression or anxiety and a tendency towards self-criticism. While Mindfulness is increasingly recognised as an important tool in maintaining good mental health. Sarah has personally practiced Mindfulness for over a decade and, as a qualified Yoga instructor, she understands the importance of a holistic approach to health. Sarah has run several MBCT groups  over a number of years. 

Sarah has facilitated one-to-one and group Clinical Supervision for trainee and qualified Therapists. She has also lectured in CBT as part of a programme delivered in conjunction with University of Wolverhampton and Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. This pioneering scheme sought to ensure that all staff received training in basic concepts in CBT. 

Sarah has completed a number of courses since she qualified as a CBT Therapist, including a Masters Degree in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy from University of Birmingham, to ensure her practice remains current, knowledgable and fully evidence-based.

Sarah views therapy as a partnership. She strives to build a warm, empathic relationship based on a shared understanding of a client's issues, the impact they have and how they can be reduced. This includes planning to maintain good, long-term mental health, with a focus on identifying and reducing the risks of relapse or the recurrence of difficulties. 

She believes that through joint-working, the therapist and client can identify the key issues and barriers to progress before working towards a meaningful recovery.

Models & approaches Sarah can draw upon within her therapy.

  • BABCP Accredited CBT Therapist

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • Mindfulness

  • Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

  • Exposure Response Prevention (ERP)

  • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Integrative Therapy

  • Coaching (Career / Life)

  • Schema

Qualifications & Professional Memberships

• Member of British Association of Behavioural and Psychotherapies (BABCP)

• MSc in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, University of Birmingham (2013). 

• Post-Graduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Staffordshire University (2010).

• BSc Nursing studies, University of Wolverhampton (2007)

• Registered Mental Health Nurse and member of the Nursing and Midwifery Council. (NMC) since 1997. 


Testimonials about therapy with Sarah

Gemma's Brilliant Experience with Sarah's CBT and Compassion Focused Therapy

“Sarah is amazing! I came to Sarah in one of my worst states of anxiety in the last 15 years. I'd heard from some people that CBT had helped them so was specifically looking to try this form of therapy and upon reading her bio page I felt she'd be a good fit for many reasons. From the very start I felt very comfortable with Sarah and I looked forward to my sessions. Sarah helped me uncover lots of imbalances in my life, which I wasn't expecting to be such a key focus of my therapy at all! She then helped guide me through doing the work myself, leading to realisations I was not expecting and we veered into Compassion Focussed Therapy too, which was an unexpected and invaluable part of my journey. Sarah has given me so many techniques to walk away with in case anxiety starts trying to seep in again, but I feel like I'm walking away so much stronger and with a huge toolbox in my back pocket in case I should need it. I can't recommend therapy enough, and if you're thinking of getting in touch with Sarah... do it now!!!” Gemma

Sarah is a great listener

“Sarah is a great listener and asked all the right questions, with.a great deal of sensitivity.” Jim

Sarah is easy to talk to

”I found Sarah to be very good, I found her easy to talk to, and I was able to open up quickly in my sessions - which I had thought might be difficult. I would highly recommend her.” Phoebe (Therapist - Sarah Kenny)

Nurturing Progress in a Safe and Accepting Space

“Sarah was a wonderful therapist. The sessions were engaging, helpful and really helped me progress out of a bad space. Sarah creates a non-judgemental environment where I felt I could be completely honest without fear of judgement. Sarah made me feel at ease, I could be myself and really relax. A very warm and kind therapist who I highly recommend.” Ellie

“Just a really lovely person who take time to listen and gave me very useful strategies to cope.”

A great listener.

“Sarah was a great listener and gave helpful feed back and useful recourses” Anonymous

Bailey's Praise for Sarah: Approachable and Flexible Therapy Sessions

“Sarah was great. She was so approachable, felt like I could discuss anything with her from the first session. She was very accommodating with the flexibility of doing the sessions after hours and had such a wholesome approach to my sessions and overall treatment. I would highly recommend Sarah to anyone.” Bailey

Overcoming Health Anxiety: My Journey with Therapist Sarah Kenny

“I have been suffering from health anxiety for some years, which progressively got worse at the start of 2023. I was matched with Sarah Kenny as my therapist and she focused on CBT to help me tackle my health anxiety, amongst other things. I never thought I’d see the light at the end of the tunnel as it was consuming my life, however, through hard work and determination with the help and guidance of Sarah I got there. She is calm, attentive, kind and overall very easy to talk to. She did not ever judge me, tell me what I was feeling was wrong or ever make me feel silly. Her guidance helped me to focus on my goal and she provided ample resources to help me outside of my sessions. I am very grateful for being matched with Sarah and 8 months later I can proudly say I no longer suffer from health anxiety.” Mia

Alexander's Genuine Connection with Therapist Sarah Kenny

“An unbiased, open person who wasn't a stereotypical robotic "how does that make you feel" type therapist. Made me feel extremely comfortable and allowed me to explain and describe things at my own pace.” Alexander

Kayla's Heartfelt Thanks to Supportive Therapist Sarah

Sarah was lovely. So supportive and creative with how to approach my issues. She gave great feedback and resources. I am truly thankful for having her as a therapist. I will return once I have saved up some more money for sure. Lastly, she was personable and genuinely seemed to care and I love that.” Kayla

A Journey to a New Perspective with Sarah

“Sarah is friendly, approachable, non judgemental and has so many words of wisdom. She really helped me to see things in a different light and provided me with tools to use to deal with unhelpful thoughts and feelings. Would recommend her to anyone.” LA

Breaking Through Anxiety with Sarah's Guidance

“Sarah helped me through a tough first breakup and guided me through feelings of anxiety and distress as I was going through many life changes. She offered warm encouragement and was great at listening and offering new ways of looking at things. I am very grateful for the experience.” Anonymous

Joanna's Safe Space and Growth with Therapist Sarah

“My therapist created a safe space for me in our sessions. I felt listened to, and validated throughout. I felt like she really catered my sessions to me, and I learned more than I could have hoped for. I really appreciate her kind and compassionate approach; it played a big role in me becoming kinder and more compassionate with myself. I also find it really hard to put how I feel and what I think in to words, and my therapist was extremely good at synthesising my thoughts and reflecting these back to me. She was also very gentle when kindly challenging the way I might have judged or criticised myself. In saying that, she also never failed to validate how I felt in those moments. I honestly can't thank her enough. She has played such a pivotal role in my life.” Joanna

Rachel's Triumph Over Emetophobia with Sarah's Expertise

“Sarah has been by far the best therapist I have had to date. She was patient, kind, understanding, highly knowledgeable and knew exactly how to recommend what was most suited for me during each session. I came away each time feeling mentally stronger and more positive than I had been before the session. She provided me with the tools I needed to address my fear of feeling/being sick (also known as emetophobia) and allowed me to feel confident enough to try activities I'd never done before because of this fear. I'm so grateful for the time she's given to help me feel mentally at ease and I would recommend her as a therapist to others in a heartbeat. Thank you Sarah!” Rachel (Emetophobia)

A nurturing therapist

“Super therapist. Very nurturing, kind and helpful. She has helped me change my thinking and has empowered me to help myself.” Anonymous

An Empowered Mindset Thanks to Sarah

“Super therapist. Very nurturing, kind and helpful. She has helped me change my thinking and has empowered me to help myself.” NS

Jake's Life-Changing Anxiety Management with Sarah

“Sarah was brilliant! She was welcoming, professional, and very easy to talk to. She had an excellent way of guiding me through understanding the cause of my anxiety issues and how my thought patterns were relating to my behaviour. In the space of a matter of months, she helped me take my debilitating anxiety to a level that is near non-existent and which has no impact on my day to day life. Could not recommend her more highly and I’m so grateful for her help. She has well and truly changed my life!” Jake

A Comfortable Experience with Sarah

“I find Sarah personally very pleasant to converse with. There were times where I would segway into a general conversation on topics related to my struggles which greatly helped to normalise my experience and the way I engage with the world. She also has a lot of experience with diverse backgrounds which shines through, and I was very comfortable with her.” Annonymous

Professional and Friendly Therapy with Sarah

“Sarah was very professional, efficient and friendly” Luke

Alex's Peaceful Mind Journey with Sarah

“Sarah is very kind, caring and incredibly good at helping you calm and bring peace to your mind. She is also good at answering the questions swirling around in the back of your head, that you might not dare to ask. She helped me extremely well, and taught me techniques easy to learn yet exceptionally helpful to looking after my own brain. She’s one of a kind, and that kind is spectacular!” Alex

Life-Changing Therapy Experience with Sarah

“I’d like to let you know how valuable therapy has been to me so far in my search for better management of my obsessions and compulsions. Sarah Kenny is one of the best investments I have made this year, and I have had so much time back and less anxiety with her key buzzwords and methods of exercises to help in CB areas. The self help work she gave between sessions is continuing to go really well too. The most effective work is the strategic methods we've developed from ignoring certain “magical behaviour” patterns and then the best part, how she helped use my stubbornness against feeling compelled to do something,

I’ve had hours gifted back to me in life and it actually humours me when they happen which is amazing. I’m smiling now thinking of some of them that wasted so much of my time pre therapy. Almost like laughing at a bully. I have Sarah Kenny to thank for all this and am truly grateful for her time and effort. I stopped sessions after session 6, mainly as it’s due to my new head space, pushing me to make a commitment to more work related courses, so time to fit everything in is becoming an issue, but.. technically, I’d not have bought them if it wasn’t for Sarah’s help, It’s great!

My time with Sarah was always a priority for me. Prioritise therapy in order to make bigger more permanent changes, thats so important for people to know, I had positive progress after 6 sessions due to making her my priority, then slowly, family and work became priority. I believe this happened sooner as I put work with her first. I will be in touch with Sarah in the new year to have further sessions to check in in the spring to make sure I’m continuing to head in the right direction. Thanks Sarah. “ EP

Therapy with Sarah helped me a lot!

“Sarah was very helpful in providing a practical way of therapy. She was able to help me understand better how to deal with the problems in daily life and put it in perspective. Great resource and has helped me a lot!” Annonymous

Vanessa's Enlightening Sessions with Sarah Kenny

I would recommend both 'My Online Therapist' and Sarah Kenny. It was an easy process when I most needed help. I was given a few therapists to choose from with a recommendation for whom MTO thought would be most suited to me. I read the blogs and went with the recommendation. I met Sarah and we booked in a couple of initial sessions. I spent most of the first session telling Sarah what had brought me to her and the next two sessions were used in talking through tools, strategies and scenarios. It has been an enjoyable and enlightening process and I feel 100% better. We signed off today (on our 4th session) as I feel that I have got to the place where I can help myself but I know that if I need a 'top up' I can contact MTO (Sarah) at any time. Many thanks” Vanessa

Effortless Connection with Sarah

“Sarah is a warm and authentic person which makes establishing a connection effortless. Sarah’s expertise, patience and dedication has had an indelible impact on my mental wellbeing.” Anonymous

Sam's Positive Therapy Experience with Sarah

“The whole experience was easy and convenient. I was very sceptical going into the sessions having had a poor experience with face to face therapy before. Sarah is a great therapist and I would recommend her to anyone as I would My Therapist Online - they’re amazing.” Sam

Tammy's Self-Discovery and Prevention Strategies with Sarah

“Sarah is the ultimate professional, firm but fair, sympathetic yet realistic. She taught me so much about myself and has spent a lot of time working on relapse prevention something that I will hopefully be able to use forever.

I think it’s actually very difficult to put into words just how far I’ve come” Tammy

Empathetic Support

“Sarah was really lovely and kind, and very empathetic. If I struggle again I will definitely be booking in for more sessions. Thank you” Catherine

Conquering Public Speaking Anxiety with Sarah

“It (online therapy) meant I could find a time that suited me and there were no travel restrictions. Plus I could have a therapist I knew even though she lives in a different country.”

“Sarah really helped with my fear of presentations and public speaking. I was asked to speak at a conference and was absolutely dreading it. The CBT sessions helped me deal with the anxiety leading up to the presentation and I believe, helped to keep me calm on the day. It also changed my outlook about future presentations. I would definitely recommend this type of therapy. As a busy, working mum, I found the online sessions great and I was able to fit the therapy in at convenient times.” Anne

Nitin's Professional Growth with Sarah's Guidance

“I was very stressed and needed to improve quality of my life. I realised this investment will be worth it as it will help me face my business problems in a much better and calmer way, leading to productivity in my work and personal life.”

Sarah was very professional and meticulous in her therapy, always willing to answer questions and making me feel comfortable. I was satisfied with the content and her style of therapy.” Nitin

Ideal Therapy Solution

“I was initially apprehensive about using online therapy but my anxiety had gotten to a point where I really needed help and being an expat this was difficult locally so I opted for an online English therapist. I couldn’t have been proven more wrong. Sarah was extremely professional and familiarised me immediately with how CBT could potentially help get rid of my anxiety. I tried therapy before but this was something different and offered a much more plausible solution to previous therapy experiences. I learnt quickly that this was the ideal solution for me and once I started really applying my homework, I could immediately see benefits and that was invaluable. I can’t recommend Sarah enough, she is warm, professional and brilliantly insightful and really the perfect therapist for me. My only regret is I didn’t find her sooner! “ Farhana

Improved Quality of Life with Online Therapy

“With the flexibility and convenience of online therapy, I was able to book regular appointments to fit around my busy work/study schedule and occasional travel. My irritability went away and my mood lifted, with noticeable positive results at my job.” Annonymous

PTSD and Intrusive Thoughts Management with Sarah

“Having worked with Sarah in person twice before, I didn’t hesitate to contact her on My Therapist Online. We already had a trust and connection over a number of issues which she helped me overcome (including PTSD and intrusive thoughts). When I found her on My Therapist Online I was able to start sessions immediately, and in a way that fitted my schedule really well. I’m very thankful to have worked with Sarah again, she makes sure she understands the areas of struggle, applies non-judgement, and ensures we work as a partnership, and I can honestly say my compassion and drive for myself has grown immensely.

During my sessions, Sarah has been supportive throughout my progress.” Anonymous