How to establish routine during Corona

How to establish routine during Corona

Having a routine can help us feel grounded during an uncertain time.

How do we create a routine?

CBT Therapist Sarah Kenny offers suggestions and advice, navigating towards new routines that work for you at this time of change.

Helpful advice for managing anxiety during Coronavirus. 

Helpful advice for managing anxiety during Coronavirus. 

It is normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or upset (among a wide range of other emotional reactions) during times of such uncertainty. This article offers advice, tips and tools to manage anxiety at such an uncertain time.

Fireworks, birdtables & gratitude - how they can all help

Fireworks, birdtables & gratitude - how they can all help

The power of being present is not a skill we are always good at. CBT therapist Sarah Kenny reflects on how being in the moment can positively effect us and why, in its most simple form, it is a skill we can all learn to incorporate more into our lives.

Online versus in-clinic therapy. Why are people choosing online video therapy?

Online versus in-clinic therapy. Why are people choosing online video therapy?

Find out what Online Therapy actually is, why so many therapists are backing it and why so many people are now choosing it over in-clinic delivery of best therapy practices.

We look at traditional in-clinic delivery of therapy and why it would be more suitable for some and why online therapy, while it ticks many convenience, boxes may not be the best delivery format for for all.

My Therapist Online's 6 top tips for managing the way we use our phones to reduce negative impact on our wellbeing (Professional advice).

My Therapist Online's 6 top tips for managing the way we use our phones to reduce negative impact on our wellbeing (Professional advice).

Phones have without a doubt changed how we live our lives. Many of the tools and applications on them make our lives easier and more convenient, however contrary to all the good they have brought, they have started to affect people’s attention span and alter how we engage in our day to day experiences.

Learn some top tips how to manage your phone better, to look after your mental wellbeing.

The Social Media Self-Comparison trap. (CBT therapist advice)

The Social Media Self-Comparison trap. (CBT therapist advice)

For some, social media can cause unhelpful self-comparisons and a lowering of mood. Learn how you could browse social media differently and instead use it as a springboard towards achieving your own goals.

How online therapy works & how to make it work best for you.

How online therapy works & how to make it work best for you.

Find out why people typically choose online therapy, how online therapy works and how to get the most out of your course of therapy.

This guide gives some useful insights and practical tips into what to expect and how to get the most out of your online treatment.