Online Therapy UK

Embracing Diversity: My Therapist Online's Commitment to LGBTQI+ Inclusivity

Embracing Diversity: My Therapist Online's Commitment to LGBTQI+ Inclusivity

My Therapist Online is dedicated to championing inclusivity and providing a supportive, affirming space for the LGBTQI+ community. Our commitment is rooted in understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by LGBTQI+ individuals through culturally competent therapy services.

This LGBTQI+ Month 2024, we reiterate our dedication to creating an environment where every client, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, is celebrated and supported.

With a tailored matching process, stringent confidentiality protocols, and a firm stance against conversion therapy, My Therapist Online stands as a beacon of inclusivity and respect. Join us in our journey towards healing, growth, and self-discovery, where everyone is welcomed, heard, and valued.

Does online therapy work?

Does online therapy work?

Explore the transformative world of therapy in our article as we delve into the advantages of online therapy.

Discover how easy accessibility, personalised therapist matching, and seamless integration into your daily life can enhance your mental well-being. Bid farewell to waiting lists and embrace tailored support at your fingertips. Dive into the role of technology in therapy engagement, making it a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Uncover the flexibility of scheduling, allowing therapy to adapt to your busy life.

Join us on your therapeutic journey with My Therapist Online and explore the benefits of custom-tailored online therapy that's designed just for you.

When is self help enough & when should you seek some professional help?

When is self help enough & when should you seek some professional help?

In today's world, it's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious at times. Whether it's personal or professional challenges, societal pressures, or unforeseen events, life can throw us unexpected curveballs that can be difficult to navigate on our own.

While self-help books and resources can be valuable, there are times when seeking the guidance of a trained professional can provide the support and tools we need to cope with life's challenges.

In this blog, we will explore the differences between self-help and therapy, when it's appropriate to seek therapy, and how therapy can provide us with the tools we need to take care of our mental health and live more fulfilling lives.

Unlock Your Potential with Visualisation Techniques: Overcome Negative Beliefs, Improve Performance & Achieve Your Goals

Unlock Your Potential with Visualisation Techniques: Overcome Negative Beliefs, Improve Performance & Achieve Your Goals

Visualisation is a powerful tool that can help you to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles and stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve. By creating positive mental images of your desired outcomes, you can train your mind and body to work together to make your dreams a reality.

What to expect in my first online therapy session?

What to expect in my first online therapy session?

Learn about the importance of an initial assessment in therapy, which helps gather information about your background, current difficulties, and goals for therapy to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your needs.

Perfectly imperfect - how to overcome the traps of perfectionism.

Perfectly imperfect - how to overcome the traps of perfectionism.

Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. On one side, it can push us to strive for greatness, propelling us forward to reach our goals and organise our lives. On the other side, it can drain us emotionally and become destructive.

Here we look at the types of perfectionism, to look out for and explore the best treatments for addressing them.

Reviews from therapists about working with My Therapist Online

Reviews from therapists about working with My Therapist Online

My Therapist Online (MTO) is a reputable online therapy matching service run by qualified, certified therapists.

Learn about the benefits of listing your therapy services with My Therapist Online, including increased visibility, tailored referrals to your experience and clinical skills, and flexibility for a better work-life balance.

Why the changing seasons can be a difficult time. Advice from a Therapist.

Why the changing seasons can be a difficult time.  Advice from a Therapist.

For many, the winter months can bring with them a lowering of mood. This article explores reasons for this. Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Lisa Johnston , looks at some healthy and helpful strategies for combating low mood, particularly during those darker and colder month.

What is Brief Strategic Therapy?

What is Brief Strategic Therapy?

When it comes to psychotherapy approaches, there are a number of different theoretical models that would explain how the person interacts with themselves, others, and the world.

Dr Susana Lara explains Brief Strategic Therapy (BST). She looks at what to expect within an online therapy session with a BST therapist and why it is a very helpful model of therapy for many.

What can you expect from couples therapy?

What can you expect from couples therapy?

For many, the prospect of starting couples therapy may be daunting. Understanding the process can help alleviate concerns.

In this article, Dianne McCormick, clinical psychologist and relationship therapist, outlines what can be expected in couples therapy.