The Power of Plants: How Houseplants Can Boost Your Mood 🌿

The Power of Plants: How Houseplants Can Boost Your Mood 🌿

Discover how houseplants can do more than brighten up your space – they can improve your mental health, detox your air, and promote overall well-being. From reducing stress to enhancing productivity, this article dives into the science behind how greenery supports a healthier mind and body. Read on to learn how simple, mindful care of plants can make a big difference in your life! 🌱

Recognising and Supporting Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: Key Signs and How to Help

Recognising and Supporting Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: Key Signs and How to Help

An informed parent is a child’s best advocate. Understanding the signs of mental health struggles early can make all the difference in helping them grow into resilient, healthy adults.

Learn how to recognise the signs of mental health struggles in children and adolescents, and discover how My Therapist Online can provide expert, accessible care to support their well-being from home.

The Power of Analogies in CBT: Using the Spotlight Analogy to Manage Negative Thoughts

The Power of Analogies in CBT: Using the Spotlight Analogy to Manage Negative Thoughts

In this article, we explore the power of analogies in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), focusing on the spotlight analogy. This analogy helps us understand how our attention to intrusive thoughts magnifies their impact, and how shifting focus to the present moment using techniques from CBT, ACT, and mindfulness can reduce anxiety. We provide a practical example of how this approach helps us manage fear and worry, empowering us to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Understanding Procrastination: Why We Put Things Off and How It Affects Us

Understanding Procrastination: Why We Put Things Off and How It Affects Us

Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Procrastination: Insights Into Mental Health, Perfectionism, and Beyond

Ever found yourself putting off a task you know is important? You’re not alone. Procrastination isn’t just about being lazy; it’s a complex behavior tied to our emotions, mental health, and even perfectionism. Dive into the psychology behind procrastination to uncover how perfectionism, anxiety, and conditions like OCD and BDD play a role.

Discover practical strategies to break free from the cycle of delay and learn how understanding these emotional triggers can lead to more effective time management. Join us as we explore the causes and consequences of procrastination and uncover ways to regain control.

How to Prepare for Your First Online Therapy Session

How to Prepare for Your First Online Therapy Session

Feeling nervous about your first online therapy session? You're not alone! Our blog offers essential tips to ensure a smooth experience, from optimising your internet connection to creating a comfortable, private space.

Learn how to use your video platform effectively, enhance sound quality, and handle technical issues. Plus, get advice on post-session reflections and following therapist recommendations. Dive in to maximise the benefits of online therapy and start your journey towards well-being with confidence. Read our 10 tips to help make your first session a success!

Find the Best Online Therapy for Anxiety Disorders at My Therapist Online (MTO)

Find the Best Online Therapy for Anxiety Disorders at My Therapist Online (MTO)

My Therapist Online (MTO) specialises in matching individuals with expert therapists for their unique mental health needs. Offering the convenience of online therapy, MTO provides access to specialists in anxiety disorders, including OCD, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, emetophobia, and health anxiety.

Founded by Lisa Johnston, with extensive experience from the National Anxiety Disorders Residential Unit (ADRU), MTO ensures high-quality, evidence-based treatment. Many MTO therapists have worked alongside Professor David Veale, a leader in CBT for anxiety disorders. Explore the benefits of online therapy with MTO and start your mental health journey today.

Ten Top Tips for the best quality video meeting

Ten Top Tips for the best quality video meeting

A little preparation ahead of your first online therapy appointment will ensure you get the most out of your time with your therapist.

Our TEN top tips give practical advice aimed at helping you feel prepared for your first appointment & get the very best out of your online video sessions.

The Role of EMDR and Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) in Enhancing Mental Wellbeing

The Role of EMDR and Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) in Enhancing Mental Wellbeing

Explore how EMDR and Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) can reshape perceptions of reality and foster compassion. Learn about the profound impact of these therapies on mental wellbeing, including reducing anxiety, enhancing emotional regulation, and improving relationships. Discover how MTO's expert therapists can guide you on this transformative journey towards a more compassionate and fulfilling life.

How to Create New Compassionate Neural Pathways: Techniques for Building a Kinder Mindset

How to Create New Compassionate Neural Pathways: Techniques for Building a Kinder Mindset

Discover how to transform your mindset. Learn the science behind neuroplasticity and explore practical techniques such as repetition of compassionate statements, mindfulness, visualisation, and journaling.

Empower yourself to cultivate a more compassionate internal narrative, enhance emotional resilience, and foster a positive outlook. Start your journey towards a kinder, more resilient self today!

Mastering the Art of Assertiveness. Why Speaking Your Mind Can Change Your Life

Mastering the Art of Assertiveness. Why Speaking Your Mind Can Change Your Life

Discover the power of assertiveness in our latest blog post, where we explore how this vital communication style can transform your personal and professional relationships. Learn about the hallmarks of assertiveness, including crystal-clear communication, respect for all, emotional savvy, and the unshakeable confidence that comes from knowing and expressing your needs.

Dive into real-life scenarios demonstrating how assertiveness, infused with kindness and compassion, can lead to healthier interactions and more effective conflict resolution. Whether you're looking to boost your self-esteem or navigate complex social situations with ease, mastering assertiveness is key.