Child Mental Health

Recognising and Calming a Dis-regulated Threat System in Children

Recognising and Calming a Dis-regulated Threat System in Children

Helping a Child Feel Safe: Recognising and Calming a Dis-regulated Nervous System

In this article, we explore how to recognise when a child’s threat system is activated and introduce five evidence-based calming techniques adapted from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help them feel safe, connected, and in control. By understanding these responses and using simple co-regulation strategies, you can support your child in processing emotions in a healthy way.

If your child is struggling with emotional regulation, our expert child therapists can provide tailored support.

Recognising and Supporting Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: Key Signs and How to Help

Recognising and Supporting Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: Key Signs and How to Help

An informed parent is a child’s best advocate. Understanding the signs of mental health struggles early can make all the difference in helping them grow into resilient, healthy adults.

Learn how to recognise the signs of mental health struggles in children and adolescents, and discover how My Therapist Online can provide expert, accessible care to support their well-being from home.

Recognising Anxiety in Young Children and How You Can Help

Recognising Anxiety in Young Children and How You Can Help

Recognising Anxiety in Young Children & How You Can Help

Dr Alexandra Barnett looks at how to recognise anxiety in young children. She breaks down the signs and symptoms of anxiety and how they might present in young children. She also shares clinically backed ideas about how to support children who seem to be struggling with anxiety.
