Online Psychologist Help — My Therapist Online - Advice from the best UK Therapists

Online Psychologist Help

Does online therapy work?

Does online therapy work?

Explore the transformative world of therapy in our article as we delve into the advantages of online therapy.

Discover how easy accessibility, personalised therapist matching, and seamless integration into your daily life can enhance your mental well-being. Bid farewell to waiting lists and embrace tailored support at your fingertips. Dive into the role of technology in therapy engagement, making it a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Uncover the flexibility of scheduling, allowing therapy to adapt to your busy life.

Join us on your therapeutic journey with My Therapist Online and explore the benefits of custom-tailored online therapy that's designed just for you.

What is Brief Strategic Therapy?

What is Brief Strategic Therapy?

When it comes to psychotherapy approaches, there are a number of different theoretical models that would explain how the person interacts with themselves, others, and the world.

Dr Susana Lara explains Brief Strategic Therapy (BST). She looks at what to expect within an online therapy session with a BST therapist and why it is a very helpful model of therapy for many.

DBT Group Starting - with Ian Scott

DBT Group Starting - with Ian Scott

DBT therapy helps those with emotional dysregulation, self-destructive behaviours, and relationship conflicts. It's effective for trauma survivors, those with difficulty regulating behaviour, and more.

Learn how group therapy enhances social support, skill-building, peer modelling, and accountability.

Join Ian Scott’s DBT group with 4 modules: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. A low-cost option for therapy. Register now.

Recognising Anxiety in Young Children and How You Can Help

Recognising Anxiety in Young Children and How You Can Help

Recognising Anxiety in Young Children & How You Can Help

Dr Alexandra Barnett looks at how to recognise anxiety in young children. She breaks down the signs and symptoms of anxiety and how they might present in young children. She also shares clinically backed ideas about how to support children who seem to be struggling with anxiety.
